Epicurus Today
Epicurean Philosophy In Principle And Practice
The Way Things Are
Epicurus taught that the Nature of the Universe is entirely natural, that it (and we as humans) are not subject to fate or supernatural forces, and that we each have only one life to live. Epicurus' viewpoint that everything in the universe consists of combinations of eternal particles moving through void was an important precursor to modern science, and to this day provides an understandable framework for appreciating that we need not be concerned about supernatural reward or punishment.
The Way We Know
Epicurus taught that Knowledge Is Possible about many things, and that the human standard of judgment as to what is true to us is grounded in the Senses, the feelings of Pleasure and Pain, and the pattern-recognition faculty of "anticipations." This aspect of Epicurean philosophy is often ignored, but it is of critical importance: If no knowledge is possible, how can we be confident of Epicurean philosophy or anything else? Epicurus points the way to answering this problem.
The Way We Live
Epicurus provides a comprehensive view of The Best Way To Live: which is grounded in "Pleasure," the meaning of which includes not only the sensual stimulation we wll recognize as pleasurable, but also all mental and physical experience in life that we do not find to be painful. In other words, we can through a proper philosophy come to understand that life itself is pleasurable whenever it does not involve pain, and so enough pleasure is always accessible to us to make life. Epicurus teaches us how to pursue Pleasure prudently so as to live a full life with a maximum of happiness and joy and with a minimum of pain and regret.